South Haven First UMC

Welcome Home!
We are so glad you've found us here in South Haven. We are a group of people in love with Jesus. You are invited to connect with our online and in-person programs. Together we'll experience the life-changing love of God.

Come on inside

Everyone is Welcome!
Want to get involved?
Check out our
Fellowship Opportunities
Listed Below!
Open Door Community Dinner
Tuesdays at 6:00am
Our Church hosts a free community dinner. All are welcome for good food and warm conversation! Various churches and service organizations work together to cook and serve a wonderful dinner.
Happy Crafters
Wednesdays at 10:00am
The Happy Crafters group gathers together to craft and create items, both to donate to those in need and personal items. There's knitting, croche, cross stitch, or any craft you'd like to do. Join in for some fun and fellowship!
Wednesdays at 5:00pm
If you like singing and want to join our Chancel Choir, please contact our Music Director
Christie Johnson
(269) 330-0513
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
If you like playing the handbells and want to join our Chancel Ringers Choir, please contact our Music Director
Christie Johnson
(269) 330-0513
(Bible Study)
Thursdays at
A women's group, we study the Bible and have a time of fun and fellowship. Currently we are studying "Finding Your Way: A 50 Lesson Journey Through the Storyline of the Bible"
by K. B. Burch
Bible Study
Starting again in December 2024 on
Thursdays at 1:00pm
They will be doing an Advent Bible Study on the topic:
"The Christmas Letters" by Magrey R. DeVega.
If you would like to join and order a book, contact Simmie Proctor (616) 283-6053
Men's Fellowship & Prayer Group
Fridays at 8:00am
You are invited to take part in this faithful group of men who surround one another in prayer and supportive fellowship. The United Methodist Men's Fellowship and Prayer group Contact Les Morehead for details (616) 834-7750
Adult Sunday School
Sundays at 9:30am
This group meets Sunday mornings at 9:30am in between Worship Services.
Currently we are studying the History of the Church up to the Modern Mega Church

Is Music Your Thing?
If you'd like to join our choir or handbells, please contact our
Music Director
Christie Johnson
(269) 330-0513
If you'd like to collaborate to create modern worship music, please contact
Pastor Stephanie Norton
(616) 216-1060
Tuesdays 5-6pm in the schoolyear
Kids, bring your favorite responsible adult and get ready to have some exciting, messy, hands-on fun! Ages K-3rd grade.
Check out our Facebook site for the latest activities:
South Haven Kids' STEM Club