South Haven First UMC
Welcome home! We are so glad you've found us here in South Haven. We are a group of people in love with Jesus. You are invited to connect with our online and in-person programs. Together we'll experience the life-changing love of God.
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Worship Services:
Healing & Anointing 8:30am Sunday
This is a relaxed modern service. We have a time of prayer, music, sermon and scripture. We share communion and anointing with oil at the conclusion of service.
Traditional Service 11am Sunday
Choir, hand bells, and pipe organ. This service is steeped in tradition...AND in revolution. With old and new elements, we are on a journey together as a family in Christ to change our lives and our community through love and service.
Daily Devotional with Pastor Stephanie
Mondays - Fridays at 8am on Facebook @SouthHavenFirstUnitedMethodistChurch
Open Door Community Dinner
Each Tuesday night at 6pm, our church hosts a free, community dinner. All are welcome for good food and warm conversation! Various churches and service organizations work together to cook and serve a wonderful dinner.
(Bible Study)
A women's group, we study the Bible each Thursday morning at 9:30am and have a time of fun and fellowship
Adult Sunday School
This group meets Sunday mornings at 9:30am. Currently we are studying "Faithful Antiracism" by Christina Barland-Edmondson
& Chad Brennan
Friday Bible Study
This group meets Friday at 1pm. We are currently reading 1 Peter.
Men's Prayer Group
Every Friday 8:00am at the church. Call Les for details (616)834-7750
Is Music Your Thing?
If you'd like to join our choir or handbells let our music director, Christie know. If you'd like to collaborate to create modern worship music, contact Pastor Stephanie
Tuesdays 6-6:45pm in the schoolyear
Kids, bring your favorite responsible adult and get ready to have some exciting, messy, hands-on fun! Ages K-3rd grade.
Check out our Facebook site for the latest activities:
South Haven Kids' STEM Club
Guided Meditation
In the fall of 2023, Wednesdays at 10am at Senior Services, Pastor Stephanie leads a 20 minute guided meditation. There is no cost, no prior experience necessary. Just come as you are for a time to focus on health and well being.
Vacation Bible School
In partnership with Peace Lutheran, on Bluestar Highway, we are excited to host "Ready, Set, Move!" Vacation Bible School. Details will come in May.